Hokushin Judo Promotions

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Yellow Belt

General requirements
1. Good moral character
    and maturity.
2. Regular practice and
3. Minimum of 6 months
    time in grade.
    Knowing Japanese and
    English terminology
    along with demonstrating
    techniques. more

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Orange Belt

General requirements
1. Good moral character
    and maturity.
2. Regular practice and
3. Minimum of 6 months
    time in grade.
    Knowing Japanese and
    English terminology
    along with demonstrating

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Green Belt

General requirements
1. Good moral character
    and maturity.
2. Regular practice and
3. Minimum of 1 year
    time in grade.
    Knowing Japanese and
    English terminology along
    with demonstrating
    techniques. more

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Brown Belt

General requirements
Good moral character, attendance and skill level is exremely important.
3 stages of Brown Belt
- Sankyu: 3rd degree
- Nikyu: 2nd degree
- Ikyu: 1st degree
Time within each is determined by the head coach. more

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Black Belt

Shodan Candidates must demonstrate:
Unquestioned moral character and maturity, continued practice and interest, minimum knowledge and skills in both randori and nagekomi practice, increased proficiency in all lower-rank requirements and in contest record, ability to perform the 5 sets of the nage-no-kata. more